my philosophy

Minimalist Packing

Hello Ladies and Gents!


I recently took a trip to the ever so interesting state of Virginia to visit one of my closest friends and shoot her maternity pictures. I took this trip with my airline miles I consistently stalk and hoard, but I didn’t get to check a bag for free (FYI, USAirways is really changing things up from the AmericanAirlines way!).

Needless to say, I didn’t want to pay $45 to check a bag for a five day trip. Now don’t get me wrong, I haven’t always been a simple packer, this is new territory for me. But I figured, pack less, and I could buy those $50 boots I’ve been wanting. Priorities people. Priorities.

Anyways, I wanted to just share real quick how I managed to pack five days worth of winter clothes, camera equipment and laptop into a carry on and purse.


First off, here was my packing list:

Three pants or leggings // Three tops // Four very warm socks // Two bras // One workout outfit // Boots // Running shoes // Jacket // Bathroom bag


 Tip #1: Stop packing with the mentality of “just in case” or “what if” or the worst, “it doesn’t hurt to just pack it”.

Tip #2: Stick to one color scheme of clothes that can all be interchangeable. I think I could make this carry on last about a week with just one more top! Hint: Cardigans, and layers!

Tip #3: Is this really a trip where you are going to workout? Are you going to Vegas for a weekend and wanting to bring gym clothes? STOP. If you really are working out in Vegas, just stop and drink a little more. If you are like me and like to have high hopes for yourself, just stop, and drink a little more. Three days + Vegas = Cheat weekend. Enjoy it. Soak it in. Relax and do some extra cardio once you are home. If you are going on a longer trip and will be going to the gym for real, Consider rinsing your workout clothes in the sink once you are done, and then throw them in the drier. This may sound weird, but lets be real. You aren’t wearing these anywhere fancy, you are going to put them back on, and sweat again. Rinse the stench out, hang dry them, and then wear em’ again. This isn’t gross, it’s smart. If you are down for being simple and smart, you can bring about a third of the amount of work out clothes you were planning on bringing! Woohoo!

Tip #4: Wear your bulkiest items on the plane. I wore my jeans, jacket, and boots on the plane to Virginia, and then back home!

Tip #5: LEGGINGS. Do you know how many pairs of leggings I could fit in a carry on bag?

Alright, enough of that. Here are my outfit choices and color schemes from my trip.






A minimalistic lifestyle is new to me, and I’ve had some awesome ladies to look up to as I’ve started switching to simplicity. Caroline Joy has an amazing blog about capsule wardrobes, as well as Valerie Kensley, who is just adorable in general. Check them out, and show them some love!
