my philosophy

Baby Landon

I have been so lucky to have the best, most beautiful friends in existence.

World, meet Aerial.

Aerial has been one of my closest friends for about eight years. A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to fly to Virginia where she lives with her husband James, to shoot her maternity pictures. Not only was I so grateful for the getaway, we laughed so hard. I feel like day in and day out we were just joking and giggling about nothing important. Until then, I hadn’t realized how much I needed a good girls day. Or two. Or three.

James, thanks for putting up with us and always keeping me fed. You are so perfect for Aerial, and seeing you two together is so heart warming.

I am so excited for Landon to make his grand appearance, and see both of you be amazing parents. He is one lucky dude. Love you both so much!

