my philosophy

Dogs in Austin Weddings

Hey friends, Kiera here! And I am so excited for this blog post! We love dogs in Austin weddings! I didn’t get my dog until after I got married. I always wish I could go back and have him in my wedding. If you’re a dog owner you understand the big role they play in our lives. They are a part of the family and I think incorporating them into your big day means so much!

How to Incorporate Dogs in Austin Weddings

The easiest way to incorporate your dog into your wedding is by including them in some of your portraits. If your dog can be a little hyper or go stir crazy from being cooped up at the venue all day, having them just come during your couple’s portraits is the perfect plan! We can get some pictures of you with them that you will cherish forever!

Your dog can also be your flower girl or ring bearer in your ceremony. Your guests will think it is the cutest (or funniest) thing when they walk down the aisle. It’s also so cute to see what they do during the ceremony. Walking around, lounge around in the sun, or maybe you have them sitting into a wagon! Either way, it’s gonna be great!


Dogs in Austin WeddingsDogs in Austin WeddingsDogs in Austin WeddingsDogs in Austin WeddingsDogs in Austin Weddings