my philosophy

Meet our Team in San Diego

In case you didn’t know, France Photographers has two teams! One here in Austin and one in San Diego. San Diego was started by Sara France around 5 years ago and then Austin about 4 years later. We love the ladies on the SD team so much! They provide us with so much inspiration and encouragement! We don’t know what we would do without them. We can’t wait for you to meet them so keep scrolling to learn more about these amazing girls!

Sara France

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I moved a lot growing up but settled in Visalia, CA during middle school and completed my schooling there.  I spent a couple of years at the College of Sequoias studying business management but my favorite thing about college was when I got to be student body president my second year.  I knew that year that I wanted to have my own business but did not yet know what I wanted that business to be.  I had always loved photography but from the other side of the camera.  I loved having my picture taken and did some modeling over the years but all the photographers I knew were older men and the cameras were these big medium format cameras.  It was not until I met a female photographer while looking to have some of my own pictures taken after college that I would discover my love for photography.


2. Now for the fun stuff! Three interesting facts.

– I did not stay in the same school for two years until I was in 7th grade.  We moved a ton and I got really good at making new friends.  It really helped to shape my personality.

– The only breed of dog I have ever owned is the tallest breed of dog in the world (Irish Wolfhound).

– My wedding images have been featured in apple stores all over the world


3. Why did you start France Photographers?

I was an solo photographer for many years. I had a lot of accomplishments during my career but it always felt a little lonely and empty. I wanted to have a team but I never liked the idea of having an “Associate Program”. When Jessica Van started working with me I found that missing piece I had always wanted.  When people ask me why I started France Photographers it was really my desire to become a team with Jessica that launched France Photographers. I saw in her such talent, and drive, and I loved working with her. I wanted to build something that would support her and make her never want to leave this team. I wanted to see her succeed and I wanted to be able to really help, not just give her suggestions here and there. I was nervous because I had seen so many associate programs not work so I knew we needed to build something different. Something that showcased individual artists with the support of a collective. Now I feel that way about every team member we have. We have added 1 team member per year and we are currently looking for our next artist / entrepreneur to join our team in Austin right now.  We are very selective with who we bring into this team because we are so close but we are so excited to see who will be our next team member.


4. What does being a part of this team mean to you?

Building this team has changed everything! It has taught me how to support others better, and allowed me the freedom to focus on my strengths while leaning on others who can fill in my weaknesses. It has made me accountable. It has taught me more than I will ever know and every one of these girls has become family to me. They are my day to day support personally and professionally. I have laughed more and cried more the last few years then I could have ever imagined. They are my mobile light stand, they are my creative director, they are my midnight facetime, they are my dance party, they are my first call in the morning, and my last call at night.  I could not imagine my life or business without each and every one of them.


Jessica Van

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I’m a native San Diegan through and through. I went moved around a lot while I was growing up until I hit high school which is when I really got involved with a lot of activities. I did a lot of sports, was part of ASB and also took photography as my elective (although it was film back then!) During college I was going to get my degree in Marketing and Advertising and started my own Graphic Design business. While learning about graphic design I would stumble upon blogs and tutorials that also had a lot of references in photography. I knew that I missed having that in my life so I decided to buy my first DSLR. As soon as my family and friends saw that I had a ‘nice camera’ they all asked me to take their portraits. I started posting them online and one day I got a message from a friend that I had known since 2nd grade and she asked me to do her wedding…and the rest is history as they say 🙂


2. Now for the fun stuff! Three interesting facts.

– I have three tattoos and I want a few more…it really is addicting!

– My family is really into astrology and I even have a book that used to be my Great Grandmothers that is all about ‘sun signs’ that I like to reference from time to time.

– I was an all star volleyball player in high school and planned on playing in college until I was in a car accident my senior year that caused a compound fracture in my shoulder.


3. How did you meet Sara and become a part of France Photographers?

 I had just started my photography business and was trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible when I heard about a 3 day conference in Downtown San Diego. On the last day you were able to walk around with a photographer and learn from them. Of course I chose Sara France as I had been following her work for some time. I felt instantly connected to her and a few weeks later when she posted that she needed an intern I jumped at the opportunity and never looked back. We joined forces as France Photographers almost 5 years ago now and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


4. What does being a part of this team mean to you?

Being on a team means that you are never alone. You will always have support and to me that is one of the biggest blessings. Being a creative entrepreneur can be pretty challenging at times, but knowing that you have a team of women who will be there in the trenches with you makes it all worth it. I never take for granted the life that we live and the freedom that we have because of this business. It really is a dream come true!


Rachel Jay

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I grew up in Temecula Ca! We had to drive through the wine country every morning to get to school. (Maybe thats why I love winery weddings so much?) It was a really idillic place to grow up and it will always be home. I went to SDSU for college and had a BLAST! When I was applying to graduate school for Psychology I decided to scrap that idea and buy a camera instead! It was a gigantic leap of faith but I got a job as a nanny to pursue building my business. I’ve never looked back!


2. Now for the fun stuff! Three interesting facts.

– My mom let me get my first highlights when I was 12 years old. I’ve toyed with other hair colors by I am a blondie through and through. I don’t even know what I would look like with my natural hair color!

– One of my favorite things to do is go to the movies by myself! I sneak my favorite treats in and just have an evening all about me (There may or may not be wine in my water bottle.) Its such a great way to disconnect from everything and recharge my batteries!

– I was born with a condition called “bilateral tibial torsion” which is a fancy way of saying I have knock knees. I’ve always envied women with gorgeous bowed legs (the opposite of mine!) – but these legs have helped me run 6 half marathons so I’m not complaining!


3. How did you meet Sara and become a part of France Photographers?

A coordinator I followed on Facebook (Krystel with Couture Events) shared a post saying Sara was looking for interns around the time I bought my camera. I emailed her right away to set up a meeting! It wasn’t long after that I started interning for Sara and continued to do so for a solid year. Jessica and Sara were playing with the idea of becoming a duo and pretty soon they asked me to be in their trio.. Team FP was born! It was a big scary decision, but I had already learned so much from Sara and I knew being in business with her would change my life! I was right 🙂


4. What does being a part of this team mean to you?

Being a team means making it possible for women I love to have the lives they love. None of us would have the freedom we do if we didn’t have each other. We all have or want to have families, but we are boss ladies at heart. too You need the support of your tribe in order to wear multiple hats in life. The team makes it possible for each of us to flex all our muscles! We can be spouses, business people, artists, writers, photographers, mammas, and travelers. The love of weddings is what got me into photography, but its the love and respect I have for the team that keeps me in it when the going gets tough. The girls are my “Why” 🙂


You made it all the way to the bottom?! Thank you so much for sticking with us!!! Aren’t these ladies amazing??? We are so lucky to be on a team with them! And guess what? You could be too! We are still looking for another team member here in Austin! If you think you could be a good fit and want to know more about the team, email us at