my philosophy

Brittany Leigh Jewelry

The past couple of months I have been so fortunate to start shooting more products from fellow wedding vendors! We work closely with so many creatives that do amazing work, and sometimes we just want to brag to the world that we know such awesome humans!

Today’s feature is Brittany Leigh Jewelry.
I am absolutely in love with this girls work. She has such a talent that I respect and admire. Brittany takes something memorable from your life, whether it be a date, word, hand written letter, location, or even a drawing, and brings it to life. She takes these memories and turns them into a charm, ring, or any other piece of jewelry. The result? A guardian angel.

The piece you see pictured below is my great-grandmothers handwriting. Right after my grandmothers passing, Brittany reached out to collaborate, and I couldn’t think of a better way to honor her life. I now wear this necklace every day and am reminded of her every time I look at it. So amazing!

So often I have brides that have lost someone close to them before their wedding and they want to have a memorial for them at their special day. Brittany has the perfect solution. She has made bouquet charms that you can get made in your loved one’s handwriting. I can’t think of anything more special and personalized.

Big thank you to Brittany Leigh for living out her dream and gifting us all with such beautiful work. Because of people like Brittany, this world is a more creative and gorgeous place to live!


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Bouquet Jewelry Brittany Leigh Necklace

